Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Stop F*ing with Nature

Artist Kate MacDowell beautifully hand sculpts porcelain which shows the relationship between natural world conflicts and contemporary impacts on the environment.  Each piece is in reaction to environmental stimulus (such as climate change and toxic pollution) and takes inspiration from myth, art history, figures of speech and other cultural touchstones.

"I chose porcelain for its luminous and ghostly qualities as well as its strength and ability to show fine texture.  It highlights both the impermanence and fragility of natural forms in a dying ecosystem, while paradoxically, being a material that can last for thousands of years and is historically associated with high status and value.  I see each piece as a captured and preserved specimen, a painstaking record of endangered natural forms and a commentary on our own culpability."

Pictured below: More talent. I am a huge fan of environmental artwork by Caia Koopman, check out her gallery here.

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