New Zealand born Nadya Vessey lost both her legs below the knee when she suffered from a medical condition as a child. Due to developmental problems Vessey had both legs amputated, the first at age seven, the second at age sixteen. Vessey began swimming shortly after the first amputation and has been living with lower prosthetic legs since her childhood.
Several years ago while Vessey was removing her legs to go for a swim a four-year-old boy approached her and started to ask questions. Instead of trying to explain the amputations, Vessey asked the little boy if he knew about The Little Mermaid. "He said he did, so I told him: 'Well I'm a mermaid.' "
Thanks to the creative minds of Weta Workshop, those zany folks who brought you Lord of The Rings and King Kong, Vessey will soon have a new prosthetic that mimics a mermaids tail.
It just goes to show that in this day and age anything is possible. With enough money and imagination, and by imagination I mean excessive amounts of blow, dreams really can come true. I've always wondered what it would be like to date a centaur...
Pictured below: not the dream boat I had in mind, but I guess he'll do...

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